Version 3.0 – Effective February 02, 2018

Prosper Trading Academy™ (“Prosper”) is committed to providing you with excellent service for all of our products and services. Because we respect your right to privacy, we have developed this Privacy Statement to inform you about our privacy practices for the entire site. Prosper Trading Academy™ services may be hosted on partner sites on behalf of Prosper Trading Academy™, and if this Prosper Trading Academy Privacy Statement is listed on that site, then it will also apply.

In keeping with our high standards in protecting your personal information with our Privacy Program, this Privacy Statement will inform you of:

  • What personal information our site gathers about you
  • How we use and with whom we share the personal information we gather
  • Your ability to opt-out of future notifications
  • What security procedures we have in place to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, or alteration
  • How you can correct or update your personal information

Questions regarding this Privacy Statement should be directed to Please specify “Privacy Statement” in the subject line of your e-mail. You may also call us at (800) 764-7131


Privacy is of great concern to most users of the Internet, and is a critical part of an enjoyable and satisfactory user experience. We at Prosper Trading Academy™ are acutely aware of and sensitive to the privacy concerns of our subscribers and other visitors to our Web site. Whether you are a customer of our various products and services or a visitor to our site, we assure you that we do not collect personal information from you unless you provide it to us. You should be assured that we do not provide or sell personal information about our customers or site visitors to vendors that are not involved or affiliated with Prosper Trading Academy™ or its products or services.

This Privacy Statement applies to the web site. Our subsidiaries and affiliates maintain their own privacy policies that may be viewed on their web sites. Prosper Trading Academy™ has a “network” of affiliates that offer services. We strive to provide our visitors and subscribers with the highest level of privacy possible, and therefore require that our affiliates offer no less protection than that offered in this Privacy Statement. In addition, each of our affiliates must meet the data protection requirements of their relevant national laws. Please note that our site contains links to other sites of unrelated third parties. Prosper is not responsible for the privacy practices, privacy statements, or content regarding these other sites.


If you feel that we are violating this Privacy Statement, please contact us at Please specify “Privacy Statement” in the subject line of your e-mail. You may also call us at (800) 764-7131 We will respond as promptly as possible.


There are two ways in which you may explicitly and intentionally provide us with and consent to our collection of certain personal information:

• Site Registration – for our free products and services – We use links throughout our site to provide you with the opportunity to contact us via e-mail to ask questions, request information and materials, register or sign up for news, reports, site access, guides or seminars, or provide comments and suggestions. You may also be offered the opportunity to have one of our representatives contact you personally to provide additional information about our products or services. To do so, we may request additional personal information from you, such as your name and telephone number, to help us satisfy your request. By providing us with your telephone number, whether it be a land line or a cellular number, you are specifically authorizing us to contact you by telephone at that number, regardless of whether you are listed on any state or national “Do Not Call” list.

• Purchase – If you choose to enroll for one of our products or services, we will request certain information from you. Depending on the type of product or service that you request, you may be asked to provide different personal information. For certain products and services, we may require your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and credit card number. Other products and services may require different or supplemental information from you in order to apply. For a detailed listing of the type of personal information requested for our various products, please refer to the enrollment page for the particular product or service.

Under no circumstances do we collect any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, or sexual orientation.


Prosper Trading Academy is committed to safeguarding your privacy. We assure you that any mobile numbers you provide to us will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We do not rent or sell your personal information (Mobile or Opt-in Data) to any third party or affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes. Your information will be securely maintained in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.


Prosper Trading Academy, LLC (“Prosper”) does not place marketing telephone calls (which for purposes of this Policy include text messages) to numbers appearing on a state or federal Do Not Call list (unless permitted by applicable law) or to the number of a person who has requested not to receive telemarketing calls made by or on behalf of Prosper.

If you ask not to receive telemarketing calls from us, you will be placed on our internally-maintained Do Not Call list and will not be called during any future telemarketing campaigns. Any request to be placed on our internally-maintained Do Not Call list will be processed within a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.

Prosper employees receive training on how to use our internally-maintained Do Not Call list; how to document, process and honor requests to be placed on its internally-maintained Do Not Call list; and proper identification during telemarketing calls.

If you would like to be added to Prosper’s Do Not Call list, please email your phone number to the following address: and state you would like to be removed from Prosper’s call list. 

We reserve the right to revise this Do Not Call Policy.


When you visit our site, our computers may automatically collect statistics about your visit. This information does not identify you personally, but rather identifies information about a visit to our site. We may monitor statistics such as how many people visit our site, the user’s IP address, which pages people visit, from which domains our visitors come and which browsers people use. We use these statistics about your visit for aggregation purposes only. These statistics are used to help us improve the performance of our Web site.


We only use “cookies” as described in this Section. A “cookie” is a piece of information that our Web site sends to your browser, which then stores this information on your system. If a cookie is used, our Web site will be able to “remember” information about you and your preferences either until you exit your current browser window (if the cookie is temporary) or until you disable or delete the cookie. Many users prefer to use cookies in order to help them navigate a Web site as seamlessly as possible. You should be aware that cookies contain no more information than you volunteer, and they are not able to “invade” your hard drive and return to the sender personal or other information from your computer.

Our uses of “cookies” are limited to the following specific situation. That situation is with respect to temporary cookies. There are two instances in which we use temporary cookies. First, if you are accessing our services through one of our online applications our Web server may automatically send your browser a temporary cookie, which is used to help your browser navigate our site. The only information contained in these temporary cookies is a direction value that lets our software determine which page to show when you hit the back button in your browser. This bit of information is erased when you close your current browser window. If you come to our site from one of our business affiliates our Web server may also send your browser a temporary cookie that reflects an “origination code” for that business partner. We use this information for statistical and marketing purposes.


If you use a forum, bulletin board, chat room or other chat tool on this Web site, you should be aware that any personally identifiable information you submit there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these forums, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. Prosper is not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these forums. You are also responsible for using these forums in a manner consistent with the Rules of Engagement or other terms and conditions set forth on the relevant forum site.


We use your information as explained below:


We generally respond to any e-mail questions, requests for product or service information, and other inquiries that we receive. We may also retain this correspondence to improve our products, services, and Web site, and for other disclosed purposes. Frequently we retain contact information so that we can send individuals updates or other important information about our services and products. Occasionally these updates or other important information may be sent out by third parties on our behalf. Please be assured that any third party who contacts you in this capacity has executed a confidentiality agreement with us that contains a provision ensuring the privacy and security of any transferred information and limits the third party’s use of the shared information to sending updates or providing services on our behalf. Our subsidiary and affiliated companies may also send you information about their services and products. In situations where you have supplied your information in connection with a question or request for information about a product or service offered by a Prosper Trading Academy business partner, we may also send the information you have supplied to the Prosper Trading business partners that offer such products or services. Please be assured that these Prosper Trading business partners have agreed to ensure the privacy and security of any transferred information and may only use the shared information to send you information about products or services we have reviewed.


We may use the information you submit to contact you to discuss the support, renewal, and purchase of our products and services. We may provide our subsidiary and affiliated companies with your information so that they may send you information about their services and products. We may also provide the information you have submitted to us to a Prosper Trading Academy subsidiary, business partner, or independent reseller (either within or outside the United States) so that the subsidiary, business partner, or independent reseller can contact you and facilitate the support, renewal, and purchase of Prosper Trading Academy products and services. You may receive a communication directly from one of our subsidiaries, business partners, or independent resellers. Please be assured that any subsidiary, business partner, or independent reseller who contacts you for one of these purposes has agreed to use the information we supply only in accordance with a confidentiality agreement. To find out the names and locations of the subsidiaries, business partners, and/or independent resellers to whom we have provided your information, please contact us at the address given at the end of this Privacy Statement. When a student joins, or enters an online signal classroom, the name of the person will be displayed. Along with a name, there may be a symbol that represents the level of education which a student has obtained in the Prosper programs.


If we are required by law to disclose certain information to local, state, federal, national or international government or law enforcement authorities, we will do so (for example, we may disclose the identity of purchasers of certain software products to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration, as required under the terms of our export licenses). We will also disclose information to third parties as necessary in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations. In addition, Prosper Trading Academy™ may share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities or suspected fraud, or enforce or apply Prosper Trading Academy agreements.


Circumstances may arise where, whether for strategic or other business reasons, Prosper Trading Academy decides to sell, buy, merge dissolve or otherwise reorganize businesses or business units in some countries. Such a transaction may involve the disclosure of personal information to prospective or actual purchasers, or the receipt of it from sellers. It is Prosper Trading Academy practice to seek appropriate protection for information in these types of transactions.


From time-to-time we may request information from customers via surveys. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose this information. Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use of and satisfaction with this Web site, and improving our customer service and product offerings.


Prosper Trading Academy acknowledges the plethora of scams and fraudulent practices available on the internet and understands the difficulty in discerning the fake offers from the real. We operate out of the heart of Financial District and encourage you to make a visit to our offices to verify that we are in no way a company with any scams or fraudulent practices.


From time-to-time, we notify our subscribers of new products, announcements, upgrades and updates. If you would like to opt-out of being notified please use the unsubscribe option in our ICANN compliant emails, or please contact us at the address given at the end of this Privacy Statement.

If you receive a marketing communication from our subsidiaries, business partners or independent resellers, you should opt-out with that entity directly.


We consider the protection of all personal information we receive from our Web site visitors and subscribers as critical to our corporate mission. Please be assured that we have security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of any personal information we receive from you. As with any transmission over the Internet, however, there is always some element of risk involved in sending personal information. In order to try to minimize this risk, we encrypt all information that you submit in ordering one of our products or services using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.


If you would like to update or correct any personal information in our records you may email us at or call us at (800) 764-7131.


If you use Prosper Trading Academy’s “Email this page” feature to send a copy of that page to someone else, your email address will appear as the sender of the email. Both your email address and the recipient’s email address will not be used for any other purpose.


If a material change is made to this Privacy Statement and/or the way we use our customers’ personally identifiable information then, we will post prominent notice of the nature of such change on the first page of this Privacy Statement and also on our home page.


By Phone:
Toll Free: (800) 764-7131
Mon-Fri From 8am to 5pm Central

By Address:
Prosper Trading Academy

141 W. Jackson Blvd


Chicago, IL 60604