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    June 3, 2019

    This Is When It Makes Sense to Adjust a Position

    Late last week, we got filled on a debit put spread signal in the gold ETF $GLD.  Monday we have seen a continued flight to quality with heavy buyers in both gold and Treasuries flooding the market. Click the video below to see how we are going to adjust our position to try and get […]

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    May 10, 2019

    When Fundamentals and Technicals Come Together in GLD

    You’ve done your analysis.  You have done your homework.  You have come to the conclusion that you want to get short GLD using an options strategy based on an agreement of fundamental and technical analysis.  If your decision is based solely on direction (and not involving implied volatility), you may want to consider a debit […]

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    March 20, 2019

    We’ve Struck Gold!

    Gold futures started to break out today on this FOMC forecast session. No real surprises and the markets did rally up during the initial announcements, but we are starting to see /GC (Gold Futures) move and move on volume. There is a real chance Gold continues its ascension this year and hit the spot price […]

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    December 27, 2018

    Gold Rush

    Today I talk about a commodity that just doesn’t get the love it should these days. That good old yellow piece of metal. Gold is what I talk about today and I will show you the key level that has perked my interest. There is GOLD in them there hills!

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    October 17, 2018

    The Most Important Aspect Of Trading

    What is the most important aspect of trading? This is really not a difficult question. The answer is twofold: MAXIMIZE RETURN and MINIMIZE RISK. In this video, we discuss our current GLD position, how to lock in some profits, and how to manage the remainder of the position. Please follow me on Twitter:  @cboesib

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