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    February 5, 2019

    Evolus, Part II

    Evolus, Inc. (EOLS) is up again today following FDA approval of its first product, Jeuveau, on Friday. The stock was up over 25% at the time this content was recorded. Part of this rally is likely due to the fact that the stock had a large percentage of short positions. In fact, nearly a fifth […]

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    February 4, 2019

    Did Evolus Just Find the Fountain Of Youth?

    Evolus Inc (EOLS) shares are up sharply today after the company gained FDA approval for their flagship product, Jeuveau, a cosmetic injection used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face. This means Jeuveau is a direct competitor to Botox, which of course is a big seller for its parent company, Allergan. Here’s a […]

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