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    January 1, 2020

    What Could the Markets Hold In Store For Us In 2020?

    First of all, Happy New Year to you and yours.  We appreciate each and every one of you and we rarely get the chance to express that.  So, here is to happy, healthy and “Prosperous” 2020! We begin 2020 with a lot of economic optimism.  We have the equtiy market at record highs, low unemployment, […]

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    June 19, 2019

    What Did We Learn from the FOMC Meeting Today?

    The long awaited, two-day FOMC meeting ended today with the release of their statement, their forecasts, and the Q&A from Chairman Powell.  What did we learn? The Federal Reserve on Wednesday left its short-term fed funds rate unchanged and said it “will closely monitor” the economy in light of growing “uncertainties.” The so-called dot-plot projections […]

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    June 7, 2019

    A Dismal Employment Report Is Great For Stocks?

    The number of non-farming new jobs was weak in May as employers added a mere 75,000 jobs.  Normally, you would think that this would be bad for the economy and thus usually bad for stocks.  But what it has done is bolster the Federal Reserve’s case for cutting interest rates as soon as this month, […]

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