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    May 28, 2020

    Ever hear of a Stop Close Order? 

    Most traders know what a stop order is whether they use them or not. Ask your average trader about a “stop on close” and you may get some head-scratching. It’s not too difficult to understand. It’s a stop that is favored by swing traders where you don’t have a market/limit stop order placed at a […]

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    April 2, 2020

    This Is When It Makes Sense to Adjust a Position

    Late last week, we got filled on a debit put spread signal in the gold ETF $GLD.  Monday we have seen a continued flight to quality with heavy buyers in both gold and Treasuries flooding the market. Click the video below to see how we are going to adjust our position to try and get […]

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    March 2, 2020

    How to Define and Manage Risk in an Iron Condor

    We presently have an iron condor signal on in Tesla Inc. (Ticker: TSLA). Click the video below as we discuss our current signal, define and manage the risk and apply them in our trading methodology. Grab a free day pass to one of our live signal trading rooms today>> Follow me on Twitter @CboeSib

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    February 13, 2020

    When Is It Appropriate To Roll An Options Position?

    I am typically not a big fan of “rolling a position”.  Typically you get one of two things or both.  Either you increase your potential risk or you are just putting off the inevitable.  In all cases, you are going to generate more fees.  But there are times when it makes sense.  When you hold […]

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    January 17, 2020

    How to Define and Manage Risk in an Iron Condor

    We presently have an iron condor signal on in Tesla Inc. (Ticker: TSLA). Click the video below as we discuss our current signal, define and manage the risk and apply them in our trading methodology. Follow me on Twitter @CboeSib

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    January 8, 2020

    Have You Heard Of A Covered Call Strategy? You Should Take A Look

    Many traders are familiar with the concept of the covered call strategy.  Few know what it really means though. The concept is quite simple.  You own stock.  You then sell a call with a strike price above where the stock is currently trading. What you have essentially done is taken a long equity position and […]

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    December 20, 2019

    When Is It Appropriate To Roll An Options Position?

    I am typically not a big fan of “rolling a position”.  Typically you get one of two things or both.  Either you increase your potential risk or you are just putting off the inevitable.  In all cases, you are going to generate more fees.  But there are times when it makes sense.  When you hold […]

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    November 27, 2019

    An Update On Our Position In Starbucks

    We have had a bullish position in Starbucks ($SBUX) for a bit now.  Click the video below to follow the rationale on how we are addressing the risk associated with this position. Grab a free day pass to one of our live signal trading rooms today>> Follow me on Twitter: @cboesib

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    November 19, 2019

    When Is It Appropriate To Roll An Options Position?

    I am typically not a big fan of “rolling a position”.  Typically you get one of two things or both.  Either you increase your potential risk or you are just putting off the inevitable.  In all cases, you are going to generate more fees.  But there are times when it makes sense.  When you hold […]

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    November 7, 2019

    When Is It Appropriate To Roll An Options Position?

    I am typically not a big fan of “rolling a position”.  Typically you get one of two things or both.  Either you increase your potential risk or you are just putting off the inevitable.  In all cases, you are going to generate more fees.  But there are times when it makes sense.  When you hold […]

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