You may have heard that said many times throughout your life. If you have been trading for as long as I have, it can just go in one ear and right out the other. Let’s take a minute to analyze these encouraging words. Why? They help with self-confidence and self-confidence helps you to become a successful trader no matter how long you’ve been in the business. I worked for a successful futures trader for 11 years and one thing he definitely possessed was self confidence! He had so much self confidence that it lead to him becoming arrogant. Which means that there needs to be a balance when believing in oneself. This quality has nothing to do with looking down at others. Believing in yourself means you know without a doubt that you can learn something, put it into action, adapt when necessary and succeed despite negative influences. The negativity that’s the most difficult to get rid of is that which comes directly from your wonderful mind. That my friends is the hardest fight and the most important. Once you win that fight the external negativity is easy to defeat. You must constantly quiet the negative and reaffirm the positive. I encourage you to find a moment when you did everything right and keep that as a positive replacement for a negative thought. Rewire your brain so that the fight against internal negativity becomes easier.
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